AI Report: powering trusted news with AI | Reuters News Agency

Reuters Report: Powering Trusted News With AI: Navigating the present and shaping the future

AI is changing news and journalism–and audience expectations. Get your copy of this newly-released report from Reuters, that explores the advantages and risks of AI in newsgathering.

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We’re entering a new era, one shaped by AI. What does the future hold for AI within news and journalism?

There are many advantages of AI in newsgathering for newsrooms and media organisations to enhance how we report and deliver the news and to improve workflow efficiencies. But there are also uncertainties and risks to navigate, especially around misinformation and trust.

In this report we will cover some key questions about AI and its likely effects on the media, news, and journalism. Key discussion points include:

  • How can organizations use AI to revolutionize the way their newsrooms and other parts of their businesses operate?
  • In a world where AI is so prevalent, how can trust and journalistic integrity be maintained?
  • What is the future for AI in the media space?

Report contributors from Reuters:

  • Jane Barrett, Global Editor, Media News Strategy
  • Yulia Pavlova, Director, Technology Innovation
  • Nick Cohen, Senior Director, Product

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