Reuters 2023 Media Trends Predictions | Reuters News Agency

Report: journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2023

According to the latest report from the Reuters Institute, news organisations that have not yet fully embraced digital will be at a severe disadvantage. Get your copy of the report to understand the latest trends and predictions in the news industry for 2023. 

What can we expect for the year ahead?

2022 presented extreme challenges for the world – climate change, the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, and the Putin regime’s invasion of Ukraine are all examples of hugely consequential challenges that journalists help us all understand and respond to.

The next few years will not be defined by how fast we adopt digital, but by how we transform our digital content to meet rapidly changing audience expectations.

With huge audiences up for grabs, we can expect (or hope) to see the seeds of something better in 2023 with a host of new networks and models emerging.

Get your copy of the report to discover the latest trends and predictions for the year ahead, including:

  • Inflation, uncertainty, and squeeze on spending clouds prospects for journalism
  • Digital subscriptions and bundling offer some hope
  • Format innovation: the shift to audio and video continues
  • Breakthrough year for artificial intelligence and its application for journalism

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