China's champion gymnast Li Ning considers taking company private | Reuters News Agency
Business & Finance

China’s champion gymnast Li Ning considers taking company private

Reuters exclusively reported that Chinese billionaire entrepreneur and Olympic champion Li Ning is considering taking his namesake sportswear company private from the Hong Kong stock exchange, adding to a string of such potential deals in a faltering market.

Market Impact

Hong Kong-listed firms have been involved in $4 billion worth of take-private deals so far in 2024, versus $1.2 billion for all of last year, Dealogic data showed. Buyers often cited undervalued shares as a reason for the deals. 

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & Finance
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Retail & Consumer Goods
Regions: Asia
Countries: China
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
Weekly_031424 - Li-Ning
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