Disney creates task force to explore AI and cut costs | Reuters News Agency

Disney creates task force to explore AI and cut costs

Reuters was first to report Disney’s plans to create an internal task force to exploit artificial intelligence technology to cut costs and develop new products even as it battles labor unions who are trying to limit the use of the technology. AI is expected to touch every corner of the entertainment conglomerate and insiders gave Reuters exclusive insight into its ambitions.

Market Impact

Bob Iger, now in his second stint as Disney’s chief executive, made the embrace of technology one of his three priorities when he was first named CEO in 2005. AI may be seen as one tool to help control the soaring costs of movie and television production, which require massive box office returns simply to break even. AI has become a powder keg in Hollywood, where writers and actors view it as an existential threat to jobs.  

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Technology
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Technology
Regions: Americas
Countries: United States
Win Types: Speed
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
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