India plans new shipping firm to capture revenue from growing trade  | Reuters News Agency
Business & Finance

India plans new shipping firm to capture revenue from growing trade 

Reuters exclusively reported that India plans to set up a new shipping company to expand its fleet by at least 1,000 ships in the next decade, as Asia’s third-largest economy seeks a bigger chunk of revenue from surging trade.

Market Impact

The turn to foreign carriers comes as India’s shipping fleet has not kept pace with its surge in trade, including imports of energy and exports of refined oil products. 

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & Finance
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Transport & Logistics
Regions: Asia
Countries: India
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Significant National Story
A seagull flies past a cargo container ship off the coast of Mumbai, India, December 3, 2015. REUTERS/Shailesh Andrade
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