Investors push Zara owner Inditex to publish full supply chain | Reuters News Agency
Business & Finance

Investors push Zara owner Inditex to publish full supply chain

Reuters exclusively reported that investors want Zara owner Inditex to follow rivals H&M and Primark in making its full list of suppliers public so they can better assess any supply chain risks. 

Market Impact

In the European Union, disagreements have stalled proposed rules that would require all big companies to disclose whether supply chains harm the environment or use child labour. Proposed sanctions for not complying could include fines of 5% of revenue.

Article Tags
Topics of Interest: Business & Finance
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Retail & Consumer Goods
Regions: Europe
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Important Regional Story
Weekly_031424 - Zara
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