US-Saudi defence pact tied to Israel deal, Palestinian demands put aside  | Reuters News Agency

US-Saudi defence pact tied to Israel deal, Palestinian demands put aside 

Reuters exclusively reported that Saudi Arabia is determined to secure a military pact requiring the United States to defend the kingdom in return for opening ties with Israel and will not hold up a deal even if Israel does not offer major concessions to Palestinians in their bid for statehood. 

Market Impact

Agreements giving the world’s biggest oil exporter U.S. protection in return for normalisation with Israel would reshape the Middle East by bringing together two longtime foes and binding Riyadh to Washington after China’s inroads in the region. For Biden, it would be a diplomatic victory to vaunt before the 2024 U.S. election. 

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Topics of Interest: DealsEconomyPolitics
Type: Reuters Best
Sectors: Aerospace & DefenceEconomy & PolicyGovernment & Public Services
Regions: AmericasMiddle East
Countries: Saudi ArabiaUS
Win Types: Exclusivity
Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop
Media Types: Text
Customer Impact: Major Global Story
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