Reuters TV comes to Roku | Reuters News Agency
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Reuters TV comes to Roku

Today Reuters, the world’s largest international multimedia news provider, announced that Reuters TV is now available on Roku. The launch of the Reuters TV channel on Roku adds to Reuters TV’s presence across multiple platforms including desktop with, and apps on Android, iPhone and Apple TV.

In addition to streaming the world’s big events Live, and diving into thematic Featured content channels, viewers will be able to watch Reuters TV’s signature news show, Reuters Now, on Roku 24/7. Reuters Now content is:

–Available on-demand

–Available in any duration between 10 and 30 minutes

–Always current and up-to-date

Editorial content from Reuters TV is produced exclusively for the service and draws upon Reuters extraordinary reach from 2,500 journalists in nearly 200 locations. In order to deliver the service’s variable program lengths, all content is produced in multiple versions and organized by editorial teams in London, Hong Kong, New York and Washington DC, providing 24/7 coverage for viewers.

The Reuters TV launch on Roku is sponsored by FedEx. This is their second sponsorship of a Reuters TV launch, having sponsored the launch of Reuters Android app in February 2016.

To add the Reuters TV channel to your Roku, visit here

For more on Reuters TV, including images, background and media information, please visit

Media Contact:

Susan Temple

Susan dot Temple at

[Reuters Press Blog]

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