Reuters hosts Newsmaker with Admiral William H. McRaven, Retired U.S. Navy | Reuters News Agency
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Reuters hosts Newsmaker with Admiral William H. McRaven, Retired U.S. Navy

Retired U.S. Navy Admiral William McRaven, the former head of U.S. special operations who oversaw the raid on Osama bin Laden, speaks at a Reuters Newsmakers event in New York City, New York, U.S., May 22, 2019. REUTERS/Mike Segar

On Wednesday, Reuters hosted a Newsmaker event in New York with Admiral William H. McRaven, retired U.S. Navy SEAL and bestselling author of Sea Stories: My Life in Special Operations.

Admiral McRaven joined Reuters Editor-At-Large Sir Harold Evans for a live discussion about his storied military career, vital lessons in leadership and his perspective on the greatest threats currently facing the United States – both foreign and domestic.

Among the highlights of the discussion:

-On overseeing the 2011 raid that killed former al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Admiral McRaven said, “Our job was to get [Osama bin Laden] once he was found. This will go down as one of the greatest intelligence operations.”

-Admiral McRaven also spoke about the daring rescue of Captain Richard Phillips in the pirated-infested waters of Somalia and said, “You have to trust your men and women on scene to do the right thing.”

-When it comes to new recruits serving for the United States, he says, “I’m a huge fan of the millennials…This is a great generation. Anyone that worries about the future of the United States, we’re going to be okay and we will get through these challenging times. We have great men and women serving in the military, in the classroom, and serving as first responders. Spend some time with this generation and they will lift your spirits.”

The full interview can be viewed here .

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[Reuters PR Blog Post]

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