領導團隊 | Reuters News Agency


Michael Friedenberg
路透社新聞總裁Michael 於 2018 年 12 月以新聞總裁身分加入湯森路透,領導公司各方面的媒體業務和營運。Michael 在推動數位化轉型及媒體產業 B2B 與 B2C 成長上資歷頗豐。加入路透社之前,他曾於業務範圍遍及 147 個國家的科技、媒體和廣告公司 IDG Communications 擔任全球執行長。此外,他在該公司也曾擔任美國區 IDG Communications 執行長和 IDG Enterprise 的執行長暨總裁。Michael 擁有德拉瓦大學 Lerner 商業和經濟學院的商業金融學士學位。
Josh London

Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Reuters Professional

Josh London is the Chief Marketing Officer and Head of Reuters Professional. He is responsible for all aspects of marketing and data and analytics globally, in addition to leading Reuters Professional, comprising Reuters.com, Reuters Events and the Reuters Plus content studio.

London is an entrepreneurial executive with a proven history of creating and leading digital businesses and managing the digital transformation of established companies in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets. Prior to joining Reuters, London served as global CMO of IDG Communications, a technology media, data and marketing services firm with operations in 147 countries. Josh earlier founded and was managing partner of Salt Island Ventures, a marketing and management consultancy serving startups and established digital, media and entertainment clients. In the role of Chief Operating Officer of SX2 Media Labs he led the transformation of Computer Shopper magazine to a digital property, which was then acquired by Ziff Davis and Great Hill Partners.

With broad experience in general management, marketing, product, strategy, M&A and business development, London has held roles at a variety of leading media and technology companies including CNET, ZDNet, Ziff Davis, and Thomas Publishing Company.

Josh holds a B.A. in English from Boston University. He serves as a Senior Deputy: Media, Entertainment and Sport for the World Economic Forum. In 2016, London was honored as a Folio:100 C-Level Visionary.

Michael Young
路透社技術長Michael Young 是路透社的技術長,負責監督總體技術策略,包括技術開發、架構、平台、測試和營運彈性。他曾擔任湯森路透數位體驗平台的負責人,負責所有技術和開發,包括數位資產、電商網站和自助服務科技。在此之前,他領導了風險開發,聚焦於風險產品組合,並負責監督將人工智慧功能導入其旗艦產品 World-Check One 的專案。在 2017 年加入湯森路透之前,Young 曾任 Paycase 和 Architelos 兩家公司的技術長、MaRS Discovery District 金融技術產業顧問、Afilias 產品開發副總裁,並在 GMP Securities 任職期間成立了技術團隊。
Sue Brooks
路透社產品開發暨機構策略常務董事Sue Brooks 的整個職涯皆從事與社論內容相關的工作,在擔任產品負責人之前,她曾在英國的各報社、廣播和電視媒體從事報導工作。她也曾在 BBC、美聯社、Channel 4 和 ITN 擔任編輯,並編輯旗艦新聞節目《十點新聞》(News at Ten)。她於 2015 年加入路透社,擔任產品全球負責人,爾後成為路透社的代理負責人。2019 年,她獲任命為產品開發暨機構策略常務董事。Sue 是哥倫比亞大學新聞學院的蘇茲伯格成員 (Sulzberger Fellow)。
Alphonse Hardel
路透社業務發展與策略全球負責人Alphonse Hardel 是路透社業務發展與策略全球負責人。Alphonse 負責確認並執行路透社的整體策略方向、實現策略合作夥伴關係,並開發有機和無機式成長機會。他先前曾領導路透新聞通訊社部門的策略和業務開發,並協助完成一系列的關鍵專案,包括執行 Reuters Connect 合作夥伴關係策略、確保創新性合作夥伴關係、構想並推出數位影片的新商業模式,以及與主要客戶與合作夥伴進行談判和簽訂合約。Alphonse 自 2005 年起在路透社效力至今。
Alessandra Galloni

Editor-in-Chief, Reuters

Alessandra Galloni became editor-in-chief of Reuters in April 2021. She oversees all editorial functions across video, text, pictures, and graphics. She is the first female editor-in-chief in the organization’s 170-year history.

Previously, Galloni was global managing editor, overseeing news planning and creation, where she was responsible for overseeing the global dimensions of Reuters coverage and developing stories with a cross-regional focus. She first joined Reuters in 1996 for the Italian-language news service in Rome, later moving to the equities reporting team in London. She re-joined Reuters in September 2013 as editor of the Southern Europe bureau following 13 years at the Wall Street Journal, where she worked as a reporter, economics and business writer and editor, in London, Paris and Rome.

Galloni is the recipient of the 2020 Lawrence Minard Editor Award from the Gerald Loeb Foundation and the UCLA Anderson School of Management, one of the highest honors a business journalist can receive. She is also the recipient of an Overseas Press Club Award and a UK Business Journalist of the Year Award.

Galloni is co-author of “From the End of the Earth to Rome,” an e-book on Pope Francis. An Italian national, she is a graduate of Harvard University and has a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics.

Gina Chua

Executive Editor

Gina was named executive editor of Reuters in April 2021. Previously she was global managing editor of operations, managing editorial operations, budgets, administration, safety and security for a 2,300-person newsroom; she works closely with the data journalism and graphics teams, and with the technology and R&D teams to build newsroom capabilities and tools. At Reuters, she created the award-winning Connected China project, and drove development its social media verification tool, Tracer. Gina – then Reg – was previously Editor-in-Chief of the South China Morning Post, based in Hong Kong, and had a 16-year run with The Wall Street Journal, including as a Deputy Managing Editor in New York, where she developed its data journalism team, and as the longest-serving Editor of the Journal’s Asian Edition. She speaks regularly at conferences on trends in journalism. Gina is also involved in non-profit news, serving on a number of boards of such organizations.

Simon Robinson
路透社新聞編輯室全球執行編輯Simon Robinson 是路透社新聞編輯室全球執行編輯。他於 2010 年加入新聞服務,並在歐洲、中東及非洲進行為期六年的調查和企業報導,編輯有關伊朗、俄羅斯、公司稅、希臘銀行業和移民的獲獎系列報導。在 2017 年至 2019 年期間,他擔任歐洲、中東及非洲地區編輯,負責管理我們最大的區域,並監督各項事務,從重大新聞到預算皆由他掌管。在 1995 到 2010 年間,Simon 是《時代》雜誌的通訊記者,之後擔任編輯,在非洲、南亞、中東和歐洲的 50 多個國家報導新聞。他曾發表短篇小說,還編寫並製作了一部關於非洲援助人員和記者的嘲諷電影,並以此獲獎肯定。
Tiffany Wu
編輯、彙整暨出版全球執行編輯Tiffany Wu 是我們的編輯、彙整暨出版全球執行編輯。在此之前,Tiffany 是美洲地區的編輯,負責監督美國、加拿大和拉丁美洲的記者。她於 1998 年加入路透社,在香港擔任專責經濟和債劵市場的記者。Tiffany 曾任上海和台灣分處社長,並於 2006 年移居紐約,領導美國科技、媒體和電信報導團隊。過去十年中,Tiffany 負責管理美洲公司的新聞、擔任高層新聞編輯,並領導區域編輯部門。
Alix Freedman
路透社倫理與準則全球負責人Alix Freedman 是路透社倫理與準則全球負責人。Alix 與記者和編輯在重大新聞上密切合作,並為許多高知名度的文章進行最終審讀,確保公司遵守《湯森路透信任原則》(Thomson Reuters Trust Principles) 中的最高準則。她亦負責處理出版的後續問題。在 2011 年加入路透社之前,Alix 是《華爾街日報》的副執行編輯和頭版編輯。在此之前,她負責監督會在報紙和道瓊通訊社上造成重大影響的新聞,是否合乎倫理規範和準則。Alix 在 1996 年憑藉其對煙草業的調查報導而榮獲普立茲獎,另獲得許多其他殊榮,包括喬治波克新聞獎 (George Polk Award) 和兩項羅布獎 (Gerald R. Loeb Award)。她畢業於哈佛大學,擁有歷史和文學學士學位。
John Pullman
路透社影片及照片全球執行編輯John Pullman 是位於倫敦路透社的影片及照片全球執行編輯。他管理一支由全球 400 多名記者組成的團隊,為路透社客戶製作影片及照片。他以報紙記者開啟職業生涯,之後進入電視業。他曾在 ITN 擔任多個資深編輯職位,並於 2005 年移居卡達,為半島電視台 (Al Jazeera) 英語新聞頻道的創辦人之一。John 在 2010 年加入路透社。他育有三位女兒,現居倫敦。
Mike Williams
路透社全球企業編輯Mike Williams 於 2011 年起擔任路透社的全球企業編輯。他帶領美國、歐洲和亞洲 16 名編輯與記者所組成的團隊,建立起路透社的全球企業和調查工作。除了產出自己的作品外,該團隊亦負責其全球新聞機構的調查和解釋性新聞報導,並為路透社記者提供企業報導和寫作技巧方面的訓練。加入路透社之前,Mike 在《華爾街日報》工作了近 20 年,擔任《華爾街日報》的副執行編輯和頭版編輯。在此期間,他是三名負責《華爾街日報》日常工作的總編輯副手之一,專責企業報導、紙本和線上版的調查專案,並篩選和編輯所有每日新聞和報紙頭版的焦點新聞。Mike 加入《華爾街日報》之初是擔任駐日本東京的通訊記者。在《華爾街日報》任職期間,他亦曾任助理國外編輯、日本分處社長、南歐分處社長暨全球能源編輯以及《華爾街日報歐洲》的編輯。早先,Mike 曾在《商業東京雜誌》(Business Tokyo Magazine)、《朝日新聞》和《日本時報》任職。他曾憑日本官僚制度的五單元系列報導而榮獲海外新聞協會獎 (Overseas Press Club Award)。
Jonathan Leff
財經新聞策略全球編輯Jonathan Leff 是路透社財經新聞策略全球編輯,負責維護和深化社論組織與路透社最大的金融服務公司客戶 Refinitiv 之間的策略夥伴關係。他亦負責監督印度班加羅爾和波蘭格但斯克的策略新聞編輯室,這些新聞編輯室現在每個月以十幾種語言製作成千上萬的緊急新聞和報導。Jonathan 畢業於加州大學柏克萊分校,於 1998 年加入路透社,成為立陶宛的當地特派員。兩年後移居倫敦,開始其石油和大宗商品市場專家的 15 年職業生涯。他負責管理新加坡和紐約的區域報導團隊,之後成為路透社的大宗商品全球編輯,負責監督全球 150 多位記者、專欄作家和編輯。工作之餘,他也有養雞。
Samia Nakhoul

Editor, Middle East

Samia Nakhoul has reported from the Middle East for almost 35 years. Samia began her career reporting on the civil war in her native Lebanon in the 1980s and has covered the Gulf War of 1990-91, the Egyptian Islamist insurgency against Hosni Mubarak in the 1990s, the first Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000 and the U.S-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. She also led the coverage of popular Arab uprisings, the toppling of four Arab presidents, the Syrian civil war and the fall of Mosul, Iraq’s second major city to Islamic State.

As Gulf Bureau Chief she reported from Baghdad throughout the U.S-led invasion of Iraq. While covering the war she was severely wounded when an American tank shell hit the Palestine Hotel, headquarters of the international press, and had to undergo brain surgery.

Samia won Reuters scoop of the year for breaking the news that former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was captured with his son and then later killed. Her special report on the secret plan to take Tripoli was recognized as a finalist in the Pultizers that year. It told the inside story of the insurrection, the role of outside powers and the intelligence work that crippled the regime of Gaddafi and led to his collapse.

From Cairo, Nakhoul accompanied Yasser Arafat on his return to Gaza in 1994 after 42 years in exile.

Her exclusive report from Egypt in 1992 on an Islamist state-within-a-state in the giant Cairo slum of Imbaba won international acclaim. This was a story the Egyptian government vigorously denied before eventually sending 25,000 troops to dismantle it.

Samia was awarded the Chevalier dans l’Ordre national du Mérite, one of France’s highest honors, for her venerable career covering the Middle East, the world’s most troubled region. Along the way, she has picked up a number of distinguished journalism awards for her work, including a Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women’s Media Foundation, the International Council for Press and Broadcasting’s Peace Through Media award, among others. In 2015 she was the recipient of the Reuters Baron Award which recognizes an individual who exemplifies Reuters tradition of integrity, journalistic excellence, personal courage and expertise.

Alexandra Zavis
撒哈拉以南非洲區域編輯Alexandra 在加入路透社之前任職於《洛杉磯時報》,她的報導足跡遍及五大洲,從加拿大、墨西哥、敘利亞,到菲律賓。她的職業生涯始於 1994 年一間南非的報社,那年該國舉行了第一次全民選舉。加入美聯社後,她報導了南非的真相與和解委員會及其新憲法的起草。在美國地區任職期間,她先於伊利諾州擔任記者,然後在紐約的 International Desk 擔任編輯。Alexandra 於 1999 年移居西非,從當地報導賴比瑞亞、獅子山共和國、剛果和索馬利亞等飽受戰亂之苦的國家。她還曾在約翰尼斯堡擔任美聯社的新聞編輯,報導美國對伊拉克的入侵。她於 2006 年以巴格達特派員身分加入《洛杉磯時報》,爾後報導了加州的貧困現象和退伍軍人議題。此外,她也曾在 Foreign Desk 擔任作家和編輯。